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Let's Ignite a New Era!


Why Stone Pines?


The stone pine, scientifically known as "Pinus cembra", is truly a remarkable tree species found in the higher altitudes of the Alps and Carpathians. Its unique beauty and health-related properties make it a highly valued resource. The wood of the stone pine has a striking pink-brown colour and a pleasant scent that is referred to as the "stone pine aroma". It has been used for centuries to make furniture, jewellery, and other handcrafted items that are renowned for their exquisite beauty and exceptional durability.


What's more, the stone pine's health-related benefits are truly amazing. The scent of the wood is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system and to improve sleep quality. Additionally, studies have shown that stone pine wood has antimicrobial properties that have the ability to improve indoor air quality.


But that's not all. The stone pine also boasts delicious edible fruits, known as "stone pine nuts", which have a sweet flavour and are packed with valuable nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These nuts can be eaten raw or roasted, making them a versatile and healthy addition to your diet.


Stone pines are a remarkable tree species that are valued for both their beauty and their health-related properties.

And thus there was only one question remaining:

How can we create a new and exciting experience using stone pines?

Was los ist
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From the high mountain passes to the valley floor

Torsten crafts a drink that we all adore

With his skilled hands and an artisan's heart

He turns stone pine cones into a work of art.


The process of producing our pine schnapps begins with the creation of our own alcohol base, a process involving water, sugar, and yeast. This mixture ferments for several days before being distilled. Following distillation, we store the alcohol base for several months to optimize its flavour.
In the next phase, the pine is submerged in the aged alcohol. Together with special ingredients that are unique to each production, the pine remains in the alcohol solution for a minimum of six weeks. This is a crucial step to ensure that the pine schnapps can absorb the stone pine's characteristic taste.
Our production of pine schnaps is entirely handmade and free of industrial processes. We take pride in preserving tradition and craftsmanship in every bottle of our pine schnapps.

Crafting Our Stone Pine Schnapps: An Artisanal Journey

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Get to know our team!

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Hey there! We wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves. We're actually a group of twin brothers and two of our closest friends who share a passion for changing the way people drink and enjoy their beverages. We hope that you'll enjoy our products as much as we do!
Jonathan, pictured on the left, is a process specialist with a background in entrepreneurship studies. His operational expertise & study ensure our production runs smoothly, and efficiently and he brings a unique blend of business acumen, innovative thinking, and a keen understanding of market dynamics to help a startup navigate the challenges of growth and market entry.
Torsten, our distiller, is the linchpin of our operation. Introduced to schnapps distillation 15 years ago by a friend, Torsten's fascination with artisan production led him to craft schnapps as a personal venture. His handmade creations quickly became a hit amongst his circle of friends due to their unique taste. Torsten's proficiency in a wide range of tasks, particularly hands-on, is what sets him apart.
Julian, on the other hand, studied business psychology, honed his skills working in bars during his studies, and embarked on a career in consulting. His journey led him to one of the largest SaaS companies before he ventured into a start-up focusing on sustainable futures.
The challenge at hand lies in effectively marketing this exceptional product and establishing synergistic connections with a multitude of other flavours. This is precisely where our latest addition, Edin, steps in. With 12 years of experience in the bar industry and a background that includes working at one of Munich's top restaurants, Edin leverages his expertise to ensure that the Zirbe can fully unleash its exquisite aroma.
Pine schnapps is a passion project for the twin brothers & their friends. They were captivated by its unique flavour, appealing colour, and excellent quality. They now seek to share this fascinating drink with a wider audience. Through their combined skills and dedication, they aim to deliver a product that genuinely embodies their love for this exceptional, one-of-a-kind beverage.

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